Tuesday, September 2, 2008


that list I was going to make. Well I finally made it. I started working on it.

  • Get in touch with MY friends. When I moved here I gave up my friends. I am contacting all of them just to say hi and catch up on their lives. I have missed so much.
  • Structure. My day had none, except that I have to fed and pick up my children and take them to practice. Other than them I do not have structure in my day. I made a schedule. I am going to stick with it for 2 weeks and see how it goes.
  • Frustrated, Irratated, and down right pissy. I have been so moody. One minute happy the next raging mad. I am going to work on controlling this. Hopefully the first to dots will help with this. I am also going to start making more time for myself. Time that is just for me. Doing something for the family by myself doesnt count as me time!

These are the first 3 changes on my list of things I want to change. While changing these things a think a few others will just fall into place and change on their own. I will give an update in a few weeks and another list of then next set of changes.

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