Sunday, October 5, 2008


  • Never did get that pizza I ordered....I hate Pizza Hut.
  • The boys football games were really good. They all won! What made them so good though was that they all played really well.
  • On the oldest ones game though they made a trick play....or at least thats what I would call it. The coach call them all to the side line with only 15-20 seconds left on the clock in the 2nd quarter. Then as soon as the other team was heading off to the sidelines he sent them all back and made a play before the other team could get back to the line of scrimage. It was funny, would have been even better if they had made a touchdown. Our team ran the clock down again but the other team didnt leave the field untill it said 0. (wow maybe this should have been its own post)
  • Went to a party and thought my husband was going to be in a fist fight. (I am not sure he didnt actually hit the other guy but I didnt see any swings) The other guy deserved it! ( I would never say this usually)
  • Sunday is going to be a busy day cleaning and shopping. Yuck!

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