Thursday, January 7, 2010

NO F'in Way...

First off today was a bad weather day for my kids. Why? There may have been a little ice first thing this morning but by 9 the roads were clear. The weather people keep telling me its not getting out of the teens for the next day or so but it was below freezing when I was out this afternoon.

I cant believe they lost. I am not a Texas fan but damn. I got really excited and then was let down. They got so close and then just let it fall apart. I feel so bad for them. It was almost as if I could see the life drain out of them. Oh well better luck next time....Maybe more tomorrow.

I have something else to talk about but it needs a special post all to itself so it will have to wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate teases like that...hurry up and do the post!!!!!