Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Life and Stuff...

  • My computer being down is killing me. Not only has my computer not been working but the internet in general in my house has been down.  I don't get it because it works just fine for the PS3 but not for anything else.
  • Any way...the kids are doing ok in school and so far everyone likes it. It is a nice change.
  • My kiddo stayed with his friend this past weekend. They were riding 4 wheelers and he got burned on his side.  He didn't wreck it or anything he was just walking around one of them and slipped in the mud.  When he used the 4 wheeler to pull himself up he hit the exhaust pipe. 
  • He now has a second degree burn on his side about the size of my palm. :(  It is right where his football pads are. I wonder if it really hurts. When I ask him he always says no.  I am sure he is afraid I am going to tell him he cant play if it hurts.
  • When I post about my hubby on here most of the time its about something we disagree about or a geez I  cant believe.... Well not this time. I have to say the man knows how to make me smile and let me know that today may not be great but there is always tomorrow.
  • Last week I got a phone call to check out fb.  Thinking something was wrong I did.  To my surprise the Post was "Describe best friend."  His response was simply "My wife." and today I get a just in case I don't tell you enough I love you message :)
  • Ok enough of the mushy stuff.
  • My boys first football game is tonight.  I am so excited!  They both made different teams again so when they do play it will be a long night. 
  • They both get to start and the one on the B team doesn't seem to mind because at least that way he will get more playing time.  This is the first year that he hasn't said he was the best.  I think that he is realizing that in football size matters and being half the size of everyone else matters. 
  • I am never going back into Decatur Walmart again! I know that most people talk all kinds trash about that place but it is typically clean and up until last week I thought the people working there were friendly enough but last Friday night the manager pissed me off. He was a complete jack ass.   I spend a lot of money in there but I am sure other local stores will be happy to take my money.  I even found on that will order specifically what I need and all I have to do is pick it up.

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