I like the whole meet the teacher night and get you schedule before school starts thing. They give you most of the paper work that needs to be filled out and sent back. It gives you the weekend to get it done. (I still did it late last night because I forgot) There were few mishaps before left this morning. Pretty good for my bunch.
The dogs water got spilled on one of the boys so he had to change.
The dog ran out so the boys had to chase him down. Took about 5 mins.
and last but not least...
the little ones didn't want to put there shoes on.
The oldest started middle school today. I am having a hard time with it which surprises me. The other two in school are in 4th grade. There is nothing new for them but teachers and they have already met them. Not worried in the least about them and how they will do today but man. Huhhh. I was talking to the oldest one about where everything was and if he remembered his first class and had his lunch money. He was fine and ready to go. I drop him off and I am expecting him to go in and do all the stuff we talked about. Nope. Not him. He stops at the first group he sees and starts talking to all his friends. He is confident and not worried at all. He is excited to be there.....I cant wait till the end of the day so I can hear all about their first day back to school.
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