Monday, August 25, 2008

The Olympics are over

and I didn't watch any of it. We didn't do to bad. We as in USA because I could never do half as well as those athletes.

  • Gymnastics are my favorite. I didn't even watch that.

  • Who knew how much stuff they compete in and call them sports.

  • China got a lot of Gold medals in there homeland. Good for them!

  • I wonder since China takes the children and start training them at such a young age, what their family life is like and if they even know them. I wonder if they would be scared of their coach for messing up or not doing well.

  • Did China cheat with the whole age thing? If so, do they have to give the gold medals back and someone else receive them?

  • Would getting the gold be the same and would you feel like you really earned it if someone else was better than you they were just too young?

  • I agree with many in saying Michael Phelps looks like he is wearing a halter top in this photo.

  • I missed the opening ceremony and the closing. I hope that I get the chance to see them sometime. They will be hard to outdo in 2012.

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