Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not To Bad...

This weekend wasn't so bad.
  • Of course Friday stuff was canceled.
  • Saturdays games were also canceled.
  • That only left a Bday party. It was fun but I left the presents at home.They are still here :(
  • We cleaned my bedroom this weekend. It included the closet.
  • I also did the littlest ones room.
  • I threw out a bunch of stuff. I felt bad for the trash man. They picked it all up though. They will have a surprise on Friday!
  • We threw out a chair, a side table bottom and the glass for a coffee table, and the head and foot boards of a set of bunk beds. They all were picked up before the end of the day.
  • Sunday we had a soccer game. They won. :)
  • Monday we went to the doctor. They checked out the kido's broken arm.
  • He got in a little trouble for being to active. It looked good though. The bone is growing over the break. We thought he was going to be able to play the last few games but the doc said even after he gets the cast off he needs to take it easy and that doesn't include soccer for about 4-6 weeks.
  • We had a baseball game last night. It didn't go as well. We lost 6-1. There was drama. There seems to be drama all the time with on coach. He is not from our team though. He sometimes butts in even when no one ask. He isnt a bad guy as far as I can tell though. I just dont always agree with him.
  • One of the kido's is having problems at school. If he get into trouble today I am going to have to go to school with him. Not looking forward to it.

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