Sunday, May 23, 2010


  • Sometimes people I love really piss me off. Sometimes people that piss me off are only tolerated.
  • I had a pretty good weekend.
  • I didnt get the kids 18 wheeler finish like I had wanted but it will be done before tomorrow night.
  • Everyone keeps telling me there is no way it is going to making through the Parade.
  • Its going to have a test run just to make sure.
  • I went to the OHV park this weekend. I had never been there before. We were in jeeps. It was a good time but man it scared the crap out of me sometimes. I had to close my eyes.
  • If you dont know what an OHV park is, it the Off Highway Vehicle park.
  • It was time spent with family so of course it was a good time :)
  • Then the kids went to the MIL's house. They had asked to stay the night on Friday she said they could on Saturday instead.
  • The hubby told me he wanted to go out. I was excited at date with the hubby :)
  • Not so much :( We did go have dinner and then went bowling with friends. I really really wanted a date.
  • It wasnt bad though because I ended up having a really great time. I got to meet the hubby's cousin's new girl friend. I like her but worry that he will be attached to a relationship that isnt going anywhere, and doesnt have the potential to go anywhere. She is planning to move out of state when she sells her house.
  • There are other things about her that cause me worry for him to get attached but hey she is making him happy so that is what counts. Right?
  • I have been doing laundry for what seems like weeks now. I am almost done but I know as soon as the boys clean their rooms it will be like I never even started it. Sigh. I hate laundry.
  • My oldest son is giving me dirty looks because I am making him work on his school project. Its due Tuesday and its only about half done...if that. He has had it for several weeks.

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