Sunday, January 23, 2011


  • I have been finding harder to get myself to post anything lately.
  • My sister went to trial last week. Things went really well. Reading the comments on the news though is never a good idea. Some broke my heart and others just really piss me off.
  • We have some friends that just got married not even a month ago. They are having problems already. Big ones. I can deal with it but last night it affected my kids. I have had enough.
  • I hate McDonald's toys. I hate putting teeny weeny little stickers on. I hate looking for an hour because they have shot part of it and cant find it but they just have to have it. The kids love them so I guess I will have to deal with it.
  • Supper excited about lunch Wednesday. :)
  • My kiddo started the dishwasher for me the other day. He closed my phone charger in it. It doesnt work any more :( I have been using his phone.
  • Is 10 to early to start drinking? I mean its after noon somewhere right?
  • I love that my kids let me sleep late now :) They can make their own bowl of cereal and finally understand they can turn on the TV without me but I truly miss pulling one in bed with me when he comes in too early :A(


Chele said...

WooHoo lunch Wednesday can't wait!!!!!

Kathleen... said...

I LOVED lunch!! And a HUGE thumbs up to kids who let Mom sleep late....;-) Yahooty! I yelled from my bed this morning, "{Big Girl]? You can open the new box of cereal!" And then signed up for another 15 minutes of snoozling.....ahhhh....

Kathleen... said...

And,'s not too early. ;-) It's always noon at my house.

Yeah, that can go in the letter too....[sigh]....