Wednesday, March 2, 2011


  • ...has gotten hard to say the least.
  • The hubby has a friend that I don't really like being such a close friend.
  • Its a new thing because she is having relationship problems. Now I don't mind them being friends but she is needy and calls him for everything. He is the type of guy that tries to help everyone, wants everyone to be happy. Well that's fine and all but a woman losing her man and needy...well lets just say I see problems coming. Not really from him but from her. He doesn't see it the same way I do.
  • I have more on that subject but it just makes me sick to even think of it so maybe another time...
  • That's not the only issue going on in my house. The two things going on together well I just cant handle it. I have cried for 2 days straight now. Its still not out because I still don't feel anything has been resolved and know there is more to come.
  • On top of that I am getting sick :(
  • Hello stress and worry. If anything else heads my way they are going to have to check me into the loony bin.


The Accomplice said...

My sister in law is going through the same thing. Guess what, She is single now.. Apparently her man started to listen to another womans "relationship" issues. The the other woman showed up in Vegas... Hmmm So I totally get it.

Kathleen... said...

Oh, Crazy, this made me sad -- I hate to hear that you're hurting. And I completely agree with Accomplice...I get it too. Even if there are no intentions, the crossing of boundaries is too iffy. I hope your husband can see the writing on the wall = that a hurting wife can make things CLEAR.


nazelet said...

Just read this one.
Totally inappropriate.
Helping people is one thing, putting yourself in a provocative situation is a no, no.
If he want's to help her, he needs to tell her to get a good therapist, and that he has no expertise or education in that profession to do her any good. She is being massively inappropriate. You must set the boundaries for him. If he balks, say that you have relationship problems and you both need couple therapy.
Once my husband wanted to get involved helping a needy woman, I told him if she isn't out of his life, if he doesn't tell her he can't help her or even talk to her, the locks will be changed before he came home. And I meant it. And these women, I hate to bad mouth a sister woman, are bad news. So not trustworthy. You are the one who needs your husband's support, not some stranger. He made that unbreakable commitment at your wedding.