Thursday, January 5, 2012

Did you say it was time to update my damn blog?

Ok! Ok! Here it is. I have not been busy. Well some of the time I was but mostly I just kinda got bored with my computer and haven't really played with it much.

  • So I got my van fixed. I was worried they were going to total it at first.

  • It took them a month well almost. To get out there and look at it and fix it.

  • That was fine with me though because I had a really nice rental van. I didn't really want to give it back.

  • That being said, I am looking at new vans very soon. :)

  • My current one had problems just after Thanksgiving.

  • Thanksgiving was spent with my husbands family mostly. I didn't even get to see my mother :*(

  • I did enjoy it though.

  • I finished my Christmas shopping well before it actually got here so that was a plus for me.

  • I cried though while Christmas shopping. I had to move up to the big boys section for one of my babies. I was not happy about it.

  • It was a good one and I didn't even spoil my children too much!

  • On of my kids has almost $600 though. He asked for money. Most of the time I don't even pass that along on their Christmas list but he wanted it for something specific and stated so. His aunts/ and grand parents were more than happy to help him out, but that's about all he got for Christmas.

  • He wants an Iphone 4s. The upgrade for his phone is due in March. He not only has to pay for the phone but any extra that it cost for the plan.

  • Seems fair to me and he is super happy.

  • My holidays were spent running all over the place. I was happy for them to be over. Good times for the most part though.

  • I received a Kindle fire, that I absolutely love. I read 5 books in less than a week.

  • My husband doesn't really like that present any more :)

  • Also new is the X box with he Kinect. It took the kids going back to school before I got a chance to play on it but I LOVE it! It is so much fun and a good work out.

  • We have started a kinda diet around our house. The boys hate it. We cut out most of the red meat and since that's all we ever ate its a big change.

  • I have also cut the Dr. Pepper out. That's the big one for me and since the hubby didn't agree to it. Its kinda a problem but he will get over it...or at least I hope so.


Kathleen... said...

YES, it was time to update your damn blog!!!!!!! YAY!!!

I'm so glad the van fiasco has finished up...although, I do know how much you liked the rental. I hear you. Rentals are always so fun. =)

Another GF of mine carries her daughter's new Kindle Fire around like a crack pipe! Good grief. Rock on with 5 books in a week though! I'm still plodding through my 1st Nook-borrowed book on my iPad. [crickets] I like holding a book. I'm so old fashioned. ;-)

I completely "get" the crying moment of Little Boy to Big Boy. My heart hurt when I realized that I won't be visiting the little kid Toy Aisle anymore....honestly. That was hard. You have my empathy.

I've MISSED you! xoxo

Kathleen... said...

Oh yeah....and I'm thinking some Splenda Grey Goose Lemonades are in our future???

GoneCrazy said...

Oh yes. We need a few of those!!