Friday, June 15, 2012

Life and stuff

  • So I am getting married in 3 days.(two if you count this as Friday but I don't because I haven't gone to bed)
  • I have had an engagement ring for years now but I never wear it.  I am just not a jewelry kind of person. I have lots of nice stuff but never put it on.
  • I bought my hubby a ring on yesterday because well that's when he told me he wanted to wear one.  I also ordered me a new one too. Its plain, no stones, no fancy design. I am hoping that I will wear it that way.
  • Baseball update: They lost in the third round.  I thought there was going to be a fight.  I don't like to see the kids taunt each other but I can understand it sometimes happens.  However, I can not understand how any parent would taunt a child.  A coach was removed from the game.  The fans were disgraceful.  We watched the championship game and cheered for the other team for a while until we realized their fans were just as rude and disrespectful.  Then we moved off to the outfield to finish watching the game... Select baseball has now started for us. Longer practices and longer games (not really just more of them all at once because they are tournaments).
  • My little ones are going camping with their cousin this weekend while we are gone. They were really excited.  I almost feel sorry for my uncle. Almost.
  • We are going to have a house sitter here. I am hoping that he isn't going to be sleeping in my bed.  I have reasons for that.
  • I wanted my father and step father to walk me down the aisle. One told me I needed to pick because he wasn't comfortable with it. I chose the other one.  Not really choosing just taking it as he told me no.  I think he knew he hurt my feeling but not changing the way he felt about it and is ok with not walking.  In fact told me it didn't matter one way or the other : /
  • My kids have been playing with airsoft guns in the house while the adults are out.  At some point today they shot my monitor and it now has a crack in the middle of the screen.  When those kids get up (it will be early) they are going to get an ear full and lost of chores.
  • I need some sleep. My next post will be as a married woman :)

1 comment:

Kathleen... said...

I'm so happy for you, Love. =) Can't wait to hear about the you feel as a MW....and um, what you did to the Airsoft infractioner! <-- I would freak the hell OUT!

And here's a big *hug* regarding the Choice. I completely get how you dealt with proud of you.

We must lunch when I get back from my trip!!! I miss you. <3