Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life is a beating me to death....

  • Practices are about to start and have started for one.

  • My oldest wants to run track and play soccer.
  • He didnt know they when practices were for track because he only listens to half of what is said.

  • This drives me insane. Not just because he never completes anything I want him to but because it also affects his school work and sports. It also isnt very responsible and I think he need to be.

  • Dentist and doctors and different doctors and then back to the dentist soon.

  • The last time I made appointments for the boys to see the dentist they set the appointment for when the office was closed. I was pissed. They then couldnt see them all at the same time so I get to make 2 trips. Oh happy me.

  • Thinking of talking to the doctor about depression.

  • Is there a teachers union around here? . How much of students failings are the teachers responsibility and how much the parents and how much the students.

  • I think this responsibility changes from parents and teachers to students gradually. I also think that as they get older and are supposed to be responsible for the work and grades and parents are not as much a part of homework and schoolwork it is a teachers responsibility to notice when grades are low and when students are receiving zeros. At that point they should contact the parents. If parents dont know there is a problem until report cards come out then it too late.

  • Most of the time when I ask to see my oldest sons papers that I know he has not done so well on he doesnt have them. Either they gave it back and he threw it away or they require them to keep them in a classroom binder. One of his teachers is hard to get a hold of. That same teacher doesnt post grades until the end of the six weeks. This annoys me greatly.

  • By the way I love grades being on the internet for parents to access. You can see absents , tardies, and grades (as long as they are posted). If they had that when I was a kid I would have been in trouble. :)

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