Sunday, February 7, 2010


  • I have always thought my kids are pretty well behaved. Well I had a few surprises.
  • First the one of my brats flipped off his teacher!!!!! I couldn't believe it. She didn't see it but the other students did. I thought I was going to beat him. I spank my children but I couldn't this time due to I didn't know if I would stop....How unbelievably disrespectful. He knows better. That boy will be working his butt off the next few weeks along with being grounded.
  • Next one of the boys calls to ask (he was with his other parent) if he can be dropped off at the park to play with his friends. The answer was sure that will be fine. Out of all the kids who would be doing what he was supposed to I thought it would be him. I was going out but he said not to drive by he was calling him so I don't go next to the park just close enough so I could see. There was not one kid at the park. I was pissed and as I was going back home to see if he had talked to him I see him walking up the street. Turns out he was heading where he was supposed to end up but because he wasn't were he was supposed to be it wasn't the street I expected to see him on. Boy was he in trouble....
  • The other boy is just going to be beat. He never seems to listen to what he is told. Well half of it anyway. Either its not done properly or only half done. He has a trash can in his room that was so full he had another bag of trash sitting next to it. I told him for a week to take it out but he kept forgetting. He only took it out when I yelled and screamed and threw a fit and grounded him. Then he said he put it all together so he only had to make one trip. Great it was done, I checked didn't see any more trash. The little shit had the same freaking bag sitting next to his trash can yesterday.
  • All of my bigger boys have gotten lazy about doing homework and getting it in on time. I know that they are getting to the age where school work isn't as important to them and they want to hang out with their friends more now but that just doesn't work for me and the whole boys will be boys thing can fly right out the window because that isn't happening either.
  • These are the biggest things I have had to deal with so far as a parent so I guess I am lucky but damn they are stressing me out and I know that more is to come.

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