Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life....(cant belive I didnt have a title up here)

  • We have ordered some ear plugs for my son. (the one that got tubes put in his ears) With baths and swimming over the summer and vacation coming soon I think they will be worth the money. He isnt old enough to do the disposable ones on his own and I am not sure he would notice if they came out anyway.
  • One of my 5th graders got Taks results back (for the ones they took in March) but the other one didnt. I wonder if he did and just didnt bring them home.
  • How does the school not see a problem with a kid missing one period in the middle of the day? I mean they know if they are signed out and have left. So the attendance has to be wrong, right? I mean my kids are too young to be skipping school.
  • I am so glad they didnt have the grades and attendance on the computer when I was in school. I love it as a parent but as a student I am sure I would have hated it.
  • The hubby wants to start looking for cars for the oldest one. He will be 13 this year. Option is get one they can work on together or get one that we would drive for a few years first.
  • I dont really like either option.
  • My hubby never finish any projects around here. Either I have to finish them or they will sit undone.
  • Something that I would want my son to drive wouldnt have enough room for the family. I mean the hubby could drive it but I cant see him going from his (big ol') truck during the week to a small car on the weekends.
  • I have been up way to long this morning. My little one woke me up just before 3 and with the snoring bear in the bed next to me I couldnt get back to sleep.
  • Its Cinco de Mayo! My son said they are learning about Mexico today.
  • I went to a band concert last night. The sixth grade band was good. Better than the second band, which made me want some ear plugs of my it wasnt that bad. They did still need a little work on it though. The last band was good. They played a superhero song and had people dress up as the super heroes. It was cute.
  • I have been doing laundry like a mad woman. I hate laundry. I think the kids are going to start doing their own. They already know how....
  • I wrote this at six in the morning but forgot to post it...silly me. I guess thats what lack of sleep does to you :)


Kathleen... said...

You GO, Girl, on the kids knowing how to do their own laundry!!! People look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them that my 4th & 5th graders fold and deliver. Hello?! If you show them how, they can do it. My kid were each required to make their own beds from the age of 3....wasn't (and still isn't!) perfect, but It ain't me doin' it 'til their 32 either!!

;-) I think you're a rockin' Mother.

GoneCrazy said...

Thanks because sometimes I wonder if I am doing it right :)