Monday, August 30, 2010


When it comes to the school and teachers I dont complain about much. This morning however I am irked. I am not a mom who overly babies my children. Most of my children were great with being left at school. They were excited and ready to go back every morning. It only took a day or two and they were ready to be dropped off at the door and walk in on their own. The exception, my youngest son. He is super excited about school every afternoon and he loves it but he a little unsure about going in the morning. The first 2 days broke my heart but after that he was fine with me walking him down and he would sit with his class. I even tried just walking him to the hall on Friday but he wasnt ready for it. By the end of the I will have gotten him used to walking all by himself but he wasnt ready today. The lady at the door wouldnt let me in. She said I had to go to the front and sign in. The problem with that is I wont be dropping him off at the front door. It does him no good to get used to something that isnt going to be happening. I have five kids and this is the first year I have ever been told I have to sign in to walk my kids to class the second week of school. I wouldnt even mind signing in if I could do it by the back door that he is going to be dropped off every morning.

Today only worked because his teacher happen to be coming in the building when I was talking to the door lady. (Man I have some bad feelings for her even though I know she is just doing her job.)

Tomorrow I am going to sign in and then park by the door he goes in and walk him to class. I have a feeling she is going to give me shit about it though.


Kathleen... said...

The James Bond sign-in stuff drives me insane. I understand the safety concerns, etc., but the LockOut for parents is a little offensive [gosh, and i hate the notion!!] and annoying. It's not like we've birthed these kids and willed them to the school system for 9 months a year! They're not the boss of us....;-)

Oh, and my latest gripe?? "Store bought" cupcakes & birthday cakes ONLY. Yuck...they're awful and my kids revel in Mom-Made. "Allergy" concerns. Kiss my tookus.

GoneCrazy said...

Make them yourself and just place them in one of those plastic things. :)

Chele said...

AnObiter, my kids go to the same school and my son is also in second grade. The store bought stuff is crap and we have had homemade cupcakes each year for the parties, so I don't see them stopping you from bringing them for birthdays. I'm not sure who your kids have for teachers, but if you get on their good side they will let you do almost anything you want. :)

Kathleen... said...

Crazy, I swear, I actually considered doing that! ;-)

And Chele, my daughter told me I should bake like I always do and call them "store bought." We have Barksdale....she seems really nice. Who does yours have?