Monday, August 9, 2010


  • Going swimming with some family today :)
  • I have ever said I love my family? I do. They are the greatest :)
  • I have some school supplies but not everything. I need to get busy school starts in 2 weeks.
  • One of the boys is in trouble. Last week he twisted words around so he could have his way and got people ...for lack of a better word.....pissy.
  • My kids want braces. We are still waiting on some teeth to grown in.
  • The other one wants to whiten his teeth. I told him if he brushed for 2 weeks without me having to tell him he could. That was yesterday and we started over this morning.
  • Last week I drove half way to Houston twice to pick up kids. ( we switched the boys, she can only handle a few at a time).
  • It was a long drive and yesterday I had to change a tire :/ It wasnt flat but I ran over something (really small that he car in front of me ran over) and it took a chunk of rubber out of the tire.
  • Some ladies stopped to see if I was ok. They didnt offer to help though because they didnt know how to change a tire. Just wanted to know if I needed a ride or to use the phone. Nice ladies though :)
  • I had to change a tire by myself before my parents would let me drive by myself. Its a good thing to know how to do. I am surprised to know how many people dont know how to do it, women and men.
  • My kids are driving me nuts.
  • Why do they always have to say "what about.....?" Only one does it every single time he gets in trouble. It makes me want to scream. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Ok I feel a little better (because I actually just did that).
  • I am going to substitute this year. It will be a first for me.
  • I hope I enjoy it because its a great way that I can work but still do all the things I want to do with my kids.
  • It also allows me to go back to school when I get ready to. I have decided that I want to get my little one into second grade before I do though.
  • Its feels kinda crazy for me to have plans for 2 years in advance. I am not a planner. The only thing I plan are vacations (sometimes). Everything else just kinda get placed in the schedule where it fits.
  • We have 2 birthdays this week. I am going to have my first teenager. Ya ya just pass the box of tissues cause I have been crying all week about it.
  • Next week football starts. Practices are going to be 2 nights a week. Thank goodness thats all the league allows. I dont know how much more I could fit in. :)
  • I love football :) I find that one of the boys does better in school during football too. I dont know if its because he has a better attitude in general or if he does it so he can play either way I like it.
  • I really need to start writing all this stuff down because I forgot half the stuff I was going to say :(

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