Thursday, November 11, 2010


  • I am doing better. Not great. But better.
  • I am getting sick though :(
  • I have football over load.
  • The boys had two extra games this week during the week.
  • It was to see if they were going to get to play in the play offs.
  • They are. They played great and if they keep playing the way they did this week they have a good chance to win the Super Bowl!
  • That is it for that cause I am done with football (well not really but I wish I were)
  • Basketball started. The oldest had his first game ever tonight. They lost but he didnt do bad. He is way too short though. Everyone else was about a foot taller than him.
  • Did I mention that I am getting sick...yuck.
  • Thats all. Short and sweet today.

1 comment:

Kathleen... said...

There must be something going around....with the ups & downs of the weather, I'm not surprised!

Hang in there.....

Oh my, and we're doing basketball