Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life and Stuff...

  • I went ice skating with the family today! I only fell once but it was a good one :( I was going to post a pic of my knee and the nice little knot and bruise it left but I noticed it winter and I haven't shaved in a day or two ...
  • My kiddo fell too. Poor thing.
  • The little ones did much better this year than last. (This was their Christmas present from my uncle)
  • They also asked to go to his house after. Of course he said yes :)
  • Last week was the end of school for this year. Our school got to have Christmas parties while the others had holiday parties. I love that about small town schools.
  • I miss the first one though. I swear the note said both parties started at 10. I was wrong. One was at 9 and the other at 930. Totally missed it. I felt really really bad. :(
  • This year has been impossible to buy presents for my kids. Either I cant find something they would like or it just looks like crap (they don't make things like they used to). It didn't help that we said no electronics this year.
  • We ordered some of it online. I was a little worried about it getting here on time because I did the free shipping thing. It would have been another $40 to upgrade the shipping and that would have made the present not worth the price. It was ok because I got it today :)
  • The hubby is sick :( Just in time for Christmas. I asked him if I was going to have to go to his family by myself with the kids. He said he would tell me when it got here. I wont be happy. Maybe we could just not go :)
  • I have been wearing my hair down rather than the normal pony tail for me.
  • I haven't really had a hair style since high school (unless you call short then long then short all one length a style). I want something cute but easy to take care of. I just cant decide and when I do I am too chicken to do it :/
  • I have started my New Years resolution list already. I am trying to keep it simple and stuff that I will follow through with. The hair is on it. Anyone know a really good hairdresser that I can trust to say do something cute?

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