Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yep again...

  • Happy Easter!

  • I have lost my camera :( This makes me really really sad.

  • I had all kinds of baseball pics on it too.

  • I actually cried tears over my lost pics.

  • Today my allergies killed me. I can hardly see and I cant stop sneezing.

  • I caught my hubby just staring and smiling at me twice today. I wonder what he was thinking. He really makes me feel special sometimes :)

  • Yesterday we had Easter lunch and hunt with my family. Today we were at the hubby's aunts for dinner.

  • I am sun burned. Well my neck is. I don't know why I can never remember my neck. One of the big boys didn't put any sunscreen on and he is burnt. I only feel a little bad for him because I told him several times to put on sunscreen on. He even answered me once and said he had. Little brat.

  • My uncle is getting a divorce. I really thought this would happen a few years ago. Their living arrangement kinda prolonged it. I only mention it because his soon to be ex has been around alot still.

  • I asked him about it when he was telling me about up coming parties. He is getting a divorce but he hopes that she can still be around for all the family fun (Easter, Christmas, ball games, and etc.). She enjoys herself and those things and he still enjoys her company, he just doesn't want to be married.

  • I think this is great and hope she can still be apart of our family :)

  • Have I ever mention how much I love my family? My parents, my sisters, aunts and uncles, and cousins. We are a close family. We are more than just family, we are friends. I hope that when our children are older they will be as good as friends as we are.

  • All this candy in the house is going to kill me :/ Every time I walk by I pick up a piece.

  • That's all because I am falling asleep.

1 comment:

Kathleen... said...

Easter candy temptations = the full reason behind why I pass up those Reese's Eggs when picking up basket fare....I'll eat them ALL!!!

Hubby smiling at you = that's so go, Girl!

I think it's awesome how close-knit you all's a beautiful thing.