Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend Happenings!

  • First and foremost no football for the little ones!
  • High school homecoming was Friday. Only one of the boys ask to go but waited until Friday afternoon. We didnt go. Heard they won though.
  • Made no plans for this weekend so it was really relaxing. Took a 3 hour nap!
  • I had dinner at the inlaws without the hubby. It was good. I am glad that I can do that now and not feel weird.

Post Secret

So Sweet!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Birthday.....

Has it really been 10 years? I only started using google about 3 years ago. If I would have know how much better it was I would have started 10!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Post Secret

So this isn't the one I really liked but I couldn't get the secret because it is one that flips. The one I liked the most was someone found a love letter someone threw out and mailed it for them anyway. I have so many what ifs in my head about this.
I like this one too because it is in the future.

Weekend Happenings....

  • I slept great for 2 nights in a row. (too bad it didnt last)
  • Watched 2 football games. The first was a good game. The boys won. The second not so good. They didnt play well and lost.
  • Went to a party on Saturday night. I dont usually drink because the hubby does and I dont do the whole drink and drive thing. Well the hubby had to stop drinking because for some odd reason I decided to have a few to many. I had fun though.
  • Diamond's burned while we were at that party. I heard didnt really care even though that is the store I got to. (That was part of the whole I had way to much to drink)
  • Wow Diamonds really was on fire. I am not sure of how damaged it was but was a Bordens truck there Sunday morning. I heard they were to reopen on Sunday evening but dont know for sure. I will keep my distance for a few weeks.
  • The whole sleep thing didnt last. I was awake every 45 mins last night :(
  • Started a work out today though...I actually did it. Trying to do it as soon as the hubby leaves and before the boys get up for school.
  • I didnt watch or read the news once this weekend....weird for me.

Edit: How long has the Messenger been down?

Thursday, September 18, 2008


edit: Oh man he doesnt have shoes or socks on....I hate feet!

Post Secret

I think this secret is funny. One day someone very random will find it!


  • I am completely fascinated by the damage from Hurricane Ike.
  • I wonder if the people that live in the house above will go back anytime soon, and if their neighbors will hate them for still having their house.
  • I wonder if some insurance companies will assess the damage of the homes no longer there or if they will just write out a check for the full amount of the policy?
  • I found this video of the reporter flying away....well not really away.
  • I have looked at ebay before but never really used it or thought of it as a place to shop. I have used it twice in the last week and I like it.
  • Last night was the first night I have slept for more than an hour straight. It was great. I had a weird dream. I will make it short. I thought I ran over a kid but when I looked it was this huge frog....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Post Secret!

I know its late but I couldnt figure out which one I liked best.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I cried...

Weird so close to 9/11 that I would be looking at a picture that would lead me to this video.
I have not watched or read any thing about 9/11 since it happened. I do not deal with tragedy well. The video is about the photo. It also has family of victims from 9/11. I had to watch it in pieces. This is leading me to do more research and more documentaries. I know what happen and when it happened and the results but still feel as if I know nothing about 9/11. I want to know more.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sunburn! Sunburn! Sunburn!

Pee wee football was today. My kids played great! I got really really sunburned. I havent felt like this in a really long time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


that list I was going to make. Well I finally made it. I started working on it.

  • Get in touch with MY friends. When I moved here I gave up my friends. I am contacting all of them just to say hi and catch up on their lives. I have missed so much.
  • Structure. My day had none, except that I have to fed and pick up my children and take them to practice. Other than them I do not have structure in my day. I made a schedule. I am going to stick with it for 2 weeks and see how it goes.
  • Frustrated, Irratated, and down right pissy. I have been so moody. One minute happy the next raging mad. I am going to work on controlling this. Hopefully the first to dots will help with this. I am also going to start making more time for myself. Time that is just for me. Doing something for the family by myself doesnt count as me time!

These are the first 3 changes on my list of things I want to change. While changing these things a think a few others will just fall into place and change on their own. I will give an update in a few weeks and another list of then next set of changes.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Its bad when you even suck at being bad....

This thief evidently didn't make it through robbery school

Left his keys in the bank.
Used his own checks to write the note.
Hides only a block away.

I am not sure if its a good thing ( like maybe he was real just a guy having a hard time but usually is a honest man and made a bad choice) or if he was just another stupid thing on a long list of stupid things.

Holliday Weekend....

  • Friday was just a busy as any other.
  • This was the last Saturday that will be football free for me for 8 weeks.
    Maybe more.
  • We had to cut my youngest childs hair off. His brother decided to give him
    a hair cut. I wanted to cry because his hair was slightly curly. So cute.
    So sad. We had to use a 1 gaurd and there are still spots in his hair. He will
    have to wear a hat if we go out.
  • We had a few friends over on Saturday. Toward the end of the evening my
    sister calls to ask where we are. Totally forgot about a party at my Dads.
  • Sunday my oldest 3 were due back home. One called that afternoon to make
    sure he wasnt suposed to be home untill Monday, Right? The other didnt even
    call. Grrrrrrr.
  • Sometime on Sunday my little ones destroyed the house I spent hours
  • Tomorrow will be busy with house stuff. I hate doing the cleaning and house
    stuff while the hubby is home (well really all the time) because I always get
    the dont want toos and really just want to stop and spend some time with him. I
    bet most doesnt get done.

Post Secret

Funny, I want to quit waiting on my husband hand and foot and find a great job!

New look!

The Wise County Messenger has a new look. I like it!