So 2 of my children had baseball games last night. For the youngest one it was his last one. Only about half of his team was there. The other team looked to be a little smaller than normal too. Really people? The kids seem to have more fun though. It didn't take as long to get through the innings and they didn't seem to get bored out in the field. It cracks me up when the slide into home. After one slide into home last night my little came up to me and proudly states "Look at my pants!" with the biggest smile ever. He is really going to miss tball and all the friends one the team.
The other game was my oldest. It started out kinda slow for them. The other team hit really well in the first inning and our boys didn't hit bad they just couldn't bring it all in. Then it picked up for them. Now I am not sure what the score was because I stopped counting the first inning. I do know that at some point the other team had 6 or 7 runs and we were down. Here lies the problem. I sit behind home plate most of the time and from one side I am hearing the score is 6-4 them on the other side I am hearing the score is 7-4 them. Time expires and we are finishing the inning. It was the bottom of the 4 inning we were up to bat when the third run comes in, they call the game(we still have a runner on 1st and one out left). We won. But then the coaches from the other team say no its tied up now. It knew this was going to happen. I could see it coming from a mile away. As the coaches are talking about it the umpire tells the boys to put up the mound (because it artificial) and the bases. So they do. There were alot of what must have been 5th or 6th graders there watching the other team (they had had a game earlier). They and the other parents were, for lack of a better word, unruly. They were upset, which is fine. They thought their children were being cheated but that anger and frustration does not need to be directed at the children on our team. They aren't the ones who keep score, nor the one that called the game. Well after all that they decide that they are going to playing. They get the mound and bases back out and the runner goes back to first. We have 2 outs. The runner steals second and the batter hits a pop fly to the out field. They miss the catch and it goes to the fence. Now the runner on second runs all the way to home. It isn't even going to be close. He crosses home and the other team starts screaming he didn't touch the plate. He goes back to touch it and now it is close and he is called out. First of all you can still see the cleat print on the plate where he touched it in the first place. Second of all the umpire was half way up the third base line. I don't know why the home plate ump would be there any way there were no close calls to be made any where but home. That's the second time the game should have been over but wasn't. At this point the kids in the stands were taunting the players. I have no idea how over time works in little league but the other team gets up to bat and the trash talk gets even worse. A mother even decides to join in. They score 5 and its our turn we only get 3. The game is finally over. Its now almost 11 on a school night and I am glad its over...even with the loss.
Now I would never let my children speak like those children were. I especially wouldn't allow them to taunt another child. And a parent joining in on all the "fun" just blows my mind. At some point enough needs to be enough. There came a point that I just had to walk away because I couldn't take any more. I had bit my tongue but I can only handle disrespect for so long. Even as I was walking to my car I could hear one of the boys saying "How do you like that?" "Whats up now?" to one of our team. Really? I don't think there was ever a time in my life that I wanted to slap another persons child more than that one right.
Dear young fans and that one special mother,
You were a disgrace not only to yourselves but to the team on the field. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Life and Stuff..
- Today was play day at school. It was so much fun to watch.
- My favorite part is the tug of war. Man the teachers can get competitive about it too.
- They didn't win. Their favorite part is in the pictures above.
- So glad I (Alex begged me) remembered extra clothes this year.
- I finally got a new phone. It has only been almost a month now.
- It was a huge up grade too. Especially since I didn't even have texting on my plan before.
- We have been really busy with baseball. We already had so many games we played 3 nights a week and sometimes there were double games. (2 of the boys teams played the same night)
- With make up games and practices we have baseball every night for at least 10 days. I dropped the ball too because I completely forgot about 2 practices.
- The hubby is finally back at work. He was off for a week and a half. I was going crazy. I need my quiet time and my girl time. I didn't get much of either with him home.
- He is doing much better now too. He is still in a boot and still uses his crutches at work but at least he can get around.
- He was in a wedding over the weekend and decided not to use either for it. Before the night was over his foot was black and huge.
- That crazy shoe was worn by one of the bridesmaids.
- Its almost summer. I cant wait (sorta).
- We have to build some form of transportation again. This year we are going with a tank. Much simpler than the 18 wheeler.
- I need to get busy with it because Thursday is coming quickly.
- It seems we are getting out of school a few days (or weeks) earlier than some of the schools around us.
- I don't know why some people think its ok for them to have whatever they want whenever they want it but its not ok for others.
- Now I am too pissed off to even remember what I was talking about....
Edit: I forgot to add the pics. And why cant I get them to publish in the middle of the text?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Ok so my hubby has been home and I have been busy but there will be a post tomorrow afternoon :) I have some fun stuff to tell!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
- I just had to open that stupid email. Stupid stupid stupid!
- I spent about 5 hours of my life trying to get rid of the virus.
- It was a pain in the ass because it kept redirecting my browser.
- We had baseball last night. They switched it up on me.
- The ones that have lost every game won and the one that usually wins lost.
- My hubby is in a wedding on Friday but he cant walk. It will be fun.
- Yeah fun is the word.
- I will add some more later but I have laundry to do.....
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mothers Day!
I love the women in my life that have helped me become the woman I am today. Thank You!
Too fast...
- What a day.
- Went shopping.
- Had lunch with my family for Mothers Day.
- Saw Rio. Well sorta. The kids had to use the bathroom 20 times during it. Couldn't be because they kept getting refills during lunch.
- Drove me crazy. I didn't really get to see the whole thing so my review isn't really worth anything.
- It was...ok. Really predictable. I knew how it was going to end in the first five mins and it seemed to drag on even though its not really that long.
- My favorite part was the music because my littlest one was dancing along. So sweet.
- My oldest asked to dye his hair. He was shocked when I said yes.
- I still made him call and ask his Dad. When he said no I told him to tell him I already said it was ok. Fine as long as its not permanent.
- He wanted maroon but we couldn't find the temporary kind. I was going to get it any way but the kid said no. He is so good :)
- My thoughts are: Its hair, we can always cut it off and it will grow back.
- I also have the same thoughts about piercings.
- He went with black. I don't have much confidence that it will wash out but its supposed to fade out in 28 washes.
- He looks good and he loves it.
- He also had 8th grade banquet(instead of graduation) tonight. Semi formal.
- I cant believe he is going to be a freshman next year.
- I had an OMG moment last week.
- My 1st grader lost his first tooth. Yes his 1st one!
- Someone asked how old he was and I guess it was the first time I said it but I was floored when I answered "He's 7."
- He cant be that old yet :( and the baby will be six in just 2 weeks.
- Big momma tears at the thoughts of my babies growing up so fast.
- I am proud of them though :)
Friday, May 6, 2011
I have been busy or maybe just lazy :)
- Kolby just lost his first tooth. I am the worst mommy ever. The tooth fairy totally forgot to come :/
- Alot was going on and I fell asleep on the couch and woke up late and just ran around telling everyone to get up. I got to his room and said everyone up. Stopped mid sentence and said oh no wait not yet....It was too late.
- We had baseball games last night. 3 of them. They started at 6, 7, and 8. At least they were all here in town.
- The first one was a beating. When a team is up by 24 they should just call the damn game....geez. The Tball one I didn't get to see because I had to go take care of the hubby. The last one was a good game but they lost and I didn't see the end of the game because again I had to go care for the hubby (aka the big baby).
- The hubby got hurt at work yesterday. Fun stuff. He had really bad club feet when he was born and had a bunch of surgeries and stuff when he was little. His feet don't have the same flexibility as most. Walking along he stepped on something made his foot bend and it popped.
- We spent a while in the ER having it x-rayed last night. Its not broke but he has to stay off it for a few days and they gave him a boot.
- I found my camera! I was so excited I almost dropped the damn thing.
- It was in my coat pocket. I looked there twice, even put it on and checked every pocket and couldn't find it. I needed it morning and put my hand in the pocket and there it was.
- I washed my phone a few weeks ago. I still haven't gotten a new one yet! I have taken one of my boys. He hardly ever used it any way ;-) and he is grounded now too so whats the hurry. I am hoping to get an EVO for Mothers Day.
- We have a possum running around/under our house. I am hoping to catch him soon or we are going to have to call pest control.
- I am the catch and release kind and my hubby is the catch and kill kind. We differ on so much I don't know how on earth we found and fell in love with each other.
- Hehe the hubby is snoring so loud right now he woke himself up! Its funny, yet annoying. I just want to go pinch his nose :) I know I am sweet like that.
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