- I got to go to the Ranger game last night! They lost :(
- I managed to get there and home! That's a big deal for this directionally challenged girl.
- Holly Hell Pudge is still hot. His son too (so I was informed).
- I must have a thing for catchers because right now Napoli is my favorite and I would so marry him! He he.
- Back to the game. I was so excited to see Pudge. I cant believe he is retired though. He has been playing for as long as I can remember going to the games as a kid.
- Nolan Ryan spoke of course and told stories about when they first started playing together. Others spoke as well and then Pudge got up there and said thanks to everyone alot. He rode around the field in a convertible and that was it.
- Well except when it came time to throw the first pitch. I had said they should have him catch it! They did change places but instead of him catching he made the throw to second. It was pretty and looked like it took no effort from him at all.
- Pudge has 3 children. I had no clue. And of course his wife is very very beautiful.
- We decided last night at the game that my cousin (the one the went with me) could marry his son and I would marry Napoli.
- That being said I booked my wedding today! June 17th at 6:oo pm in a garden chapel.
- I still haven't found a dress yet.
- I still haven't talked to my fathers about both of them giving me away.
- And I still don't know for sure how many people are going to be going.
- I know I need to get busy.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Woo Hoo!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Life and stuff
- So I had more to say last week about my kiddos 13th birthday but never had the time and now I cant seem to remember but I wanted to say :(
- Things around here have been somewhat the same. Busy as hell and crazy.
- They boys baseball is going the same as always. The younger one losing and the older ones winning.
- While watching the older ones play I heard someone say this is the stacked bport team. I almost laughed at them. Its true though. We have almost all the really good players. We cant help the other coach drafting would say that's a really good ball player and then pick someone else.
- There are at least 5 kids that will play college ball and one that has the potential to go father than that.
- Man can he pitch! He already has 4 maybe 5 pitches and boy can he place them.
- I love watching them play. Even though I don't get to as much as I would like.
- OH oh! I get to go to the Ranger game Monday and see Pudge retire! I am so excited. When my hubby wanted the wed tickets again I was so mad but now he wants to trade and I get to tell him to F' off!
- I have a new hair style. Well sorta. I have had this hair cut before but it looks better than before. OH yeah its a new color too! I know its crazy but I am also thinking about adding blue or turquoise to it.
- There is a guy in our group of friends that the guys are starting to leave out or completely ignore. It drives me crazy because its not something he has done but his girlfriend.
- I am not sure what to do about it.
- I am getting married in less than 2 months! I don't know why every time I think about it my heart pounds. We have been common law married for 8 years.
- I am ready to have lunch with the girls again! You want to let me know when you have the time?
- I kinda like the new look to the blogger thing.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Oh my..
- My baby is 13 today! I am having more trouble with this than with my own birthday.
- He happens to be grounded on his birthday. :(
- He got in trouble at school this week and it wasn't the first time. The first time we heard about it though.
- I have more but I have to go to baseball practice so it will have to wait.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Freaking Sprint Wireless....
I am so pissed of right now. For 3 almost 4 weeks now my phone has not worked. Well let me rephrase that. It hasn't worked in Bridgeport. It takes forever to make a call and then when I finally get the call to go through it drops after 2 mins. It takes even longer to get the calls to through to customer service. The call aways drops, and they keep asking what problem I am having. One lady called me back 5 times before she finally realized I was telling her my phone kept dropping calls. I have called them at least 3 or 4 times every week. They keep telling me we have fair service and they will send someone out to check it but there are no outages in my area. I have had 3 work orders and spoken to several supervisors and it seems they keep passing me of and just not responding. I have had enough. Today the lady tells me there has been a tower out since March 22nd. I have had enough. Either they fix it or I am changing service. I don't understand them. We have 5 phones with them and our bill is almost 300 a month and I have a crazy ass husband that like to upgrade all the time. I would like that outside of businesses we are their favorite kind of customer.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Life and stuff...
- Happy Easter! I know it is late. I hope you had a great one. I did.
- My family had a hunt and lunch on Saturday. Along with all the eggs the kids found a snake!
- It wasn't a poison one but it was killed anyway :(
- I don't like things being killed unnecessarily. That includes big creepy snakes.
- I didn't get to have lunch either. That was my own doing though. The hubby and I went to the Rangers game.
- I really thought they would win but lost in the 9th.
- Monday was a long night.
- I made dinner at 4 and it was off to Alvord for baseball.
- The game were not that good.
- The first one my kiddo's team lost. It was bad. That just couldn't get an out. Poor kids. My son did play really well though. He stopped most balls that came to him (and the surrounding area) and there were quite a few. He was even throwing the ball to first which I was happy to see them do something other than run the ball back to the pitcher.
- They lost so bad the last inning they just let everyone bat once.
- The older boys game was just he opposite.
- After the boys had gone through the line up the coach stopped letting them steal bases. They could only take one base every batter no mater where the ball was hit. The boys were told to swing at everything. He was stealing home plate while the catcher had the ball in his hand.
- Twice the catcher let the batter jog all the way to the plate. The other coach finally told him to watch and tag the guy out as he came.
- The second inning we pitched a kid that doesn't even practice pitching. We let them get a few too many runs though because we should have run ruled them and it be over after that one.
- There were 5 mins left in the allotted time and the blue wouldn't call the game. It was 23 to 5! We ended up playing until 10 o'clock.
- It pissed the coach off and he told the boys to only swing at the good ones and get the hits. They were still only aloud one base but they were going to hit. Final score 27-5.
- After the game the kids were hungry again so they didn't get to bed until well after 11 on a school night. I wasn't really happy.
- Oh funny thing...my oldest was bobbing his head and moving his lips every time he came up to bat. The first time we were all like what is he doing? Turns out he was singing to get us all out of his head. By the end of the night he was jamming with his whole body. He couldn't stand still for nothing and even some of the team got into it singing from the bases as he batted.
- Oh and it didn't stop until he made it all the way around to home plate :)
- The ex pulled another no show for that game too. At least he was honest and didn't give a bullshit excuse.
- The Oh shit I forgot was completely real and the kiddo was much more forgiving this time.
- If it happens Friday though I might need some bail money.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Late night..
- So waiting until the last minute to finish laundry is not always a good idea for me.
- I decided I would wait and wash all the jeans in one load. I ended up putting every pair of my husbands work jeans in the washer about 11 last night.
- Which I do all the time but usually he has a least one pair in the closet for work the next day. (I have been busy and forgot about his clothes...oops)
- Well at one when I went to put them in the dryer it started making this terrible noise. And then the little fan thing that moves the air around wouldn't turn at all.
- No way was a pair of his jeans going to air dry before he had to be at work.
- At 1:30 last night I pulled the dryer away from the wall and started pulling it apart.
- I dug all the stuff out fan thing that had fallen down the lent thing when I pulled it out to clean it. Apparently I am the only person in the house who knows how to remove lent from the filter.
- Anyway...I found 2 small pencils, a few air soft pellets, candy wrappers, and a tooth! Yes I said tooth. One of my wonderful children after loosing a tooth put it in their pocket and it got sucked down there. YUCK!
- So I put the damn thing back together and put back where it belongs and try to turn it on. It wont start. I am about to lose it when I pull it out and realize I forgot to plug it back in :)
- All is well with world of laundry now but I wont be washing all the jeans in one load any more.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Life and stuff...
- Baseball opening day was this weekend.
- Only one of 5 of our boys stuck out. Not bad.
- One of the little ones games was not so great. They were not trying to get outs at all. They we just getting the ball back to the pitcher. Not even throwing it but running it in. It was terrible to be honest.
- It was a fun time though. And the weather was nice for most of the day. I ended up a little red but not fried like usual.
- We had a BBQ after. It was a great time with great friends. We mixed our groups of friends..old with the new.
- It was interesting to see one of the couples around a baby. I am now really excited for them to have a child of their own. I have always thought they would make great parents but now I cant wait to share their joy for one of their own.
- Off subject for a second...Crazy ass weather today. We are getting rain because I washed my car yesterday for the first in months...many months.
- A friend or ours said some stuff that kinda hurt my feelings this weekend. It pissed my husband off. She didn't say it to us though.
- It had to do with the BBQ and bringing stuff. If she didn't want to she shouldn't have asked. Even though asking was the right thing to do.
- We have these get togethers and cook outs at least 3 or 4 times a month. It only seems right that we all share the cost of them . She doesn't see it that way.
- My hubby handled it and lets just say he is not graceful or nice about much.
- Now I need to talk to her to make sure she knows we don't hate her...
- I cant wait for this next weekend. Baseball starts!!!!!!! We had opening day seat but ended up having to sell them because the hubby cant get off. Sat. will be a busy day because we have family Easter that morning and then a game that night!
- My older boys also have ball practice. I think I will miss that one. Me not them :)
- I am really frustrated with my sons father.
- The last time he was at his house he had practice and he decided he didn't want to go so he didn't make him. So this weekend we kept him home until after pictures and the game.
- The ex called and asked what time and if he wanted him to come watch him and if he wanted to still come for the night. My kiddo said yes and waited all day for him to show up.
- He never did. When he called late that night the kiddo didn't even want to talk to him.
- We didn't hear from him again until last night. The conversation didn't go well and when I told him he had practice and he couldn't miss it he got pissed and hung up on me.
- I have never had these problems with him before and I am not sure how to handle them. I hope they don't turn into something bigger.
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